MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
HIV and AIDS Specific Stigmas and Discrimination (PLHIV) (Descriptive Analysis Media of the Carlo Story Web Series')
1Edison Bonartua Hutapea,2Gusrianda,3Yuli Marlina
1,2Universitas Paramadina
3Universitas Islam Jakarta

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This study aims to identify instances of discrimination and stigma towards PLWHA in the online Carlo’s serial. The next goal is to evaluate the educational topics present in the Carlos’ web series. This study should serve as a reference for anyone interested in conducting communication studies research, especially in the areas of text and movies’ analysis. It is also anticipated that this research will provide a basic overview of the discrimination and stigma that HIV-positive people encounter. Along with serving as a source of inspiration for policymakers and the general public, it can also serve as an inspiration for Indonesian cinema, particularly for short moviess and web series.The research methodology adopted is a constructivist, descriptive qualitative method. The dialogue and set design of Carlo were examined as part of the analysis of the online series. The findings demonstrated that stigma and prejudice toward PLWHA continue to be widespread, including the notion that some groups are more predisposed to contracting HIV and AIDS than others. In this case, the stigma that HIV and AIDS are the result of negative behavior, the presumption that HIV and AIDS are the same as a death sentence, the excessive fear of HIV transmission among health workers, the cynicism and lack of empathy among health workers toward PLWHA patients, and finally the stigma that PLWHA cannot get married or have children are all factors. However, the filmmaker is also charged with encouraging the stigma. The histories of the characters played by more PLHIV who also identify as homosexuals reveal this. The audience will undoubtedly come to believe that HIV and homosexuality are synonymous if this is constantly demonstrated.


HIV and AIDS, Stigma and Diskrimination, Analysis Media


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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